Deploying Emergency Rental Assistance in Metro Atlanta
Wednesday, December 1, 2021, 9:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
The State of Georgia, the City of Atlanta, and 11 other local governments have been allocated $1.3 billion in Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) funding through two Congressional appropriations, one in December 2020 and the other in March 2021. With ERA1, Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) received $552 million, and the City of Atlanta and 11 other local governments in Georgia received $158 million.
As of the latest available quarterly reporting to the U.S. Treasury (September 30), 9% of Georgia DCA’s allocation and 61% of local government allocations had been dispersed. From January 1 - September 30, 2021, ERA funds from DCA and local governments provided relief to 27,528 families in Georgia, including 14,878 in metro Atlanta.
With so many families facing the possibility of eviction, why haven’t more funds been dispersed? What are the barriers to deploying the program funding? Are State and local governments at risk of losing unspent funding from ERA1 and an additional $562 million from the ERA2 allocation?
Join us at the next Atlanta Regional Housing Forum as founder Bill Bolling, and our guests will discuss the deployment of emergency rental assistance. We’ll look at the latest levels of eviction filings in the five-county region. We’ll also talk with local government representatives, landlords, and the Atlanta Apartment Association to learn more about what’s working locally and what’s not. What tips can we take from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s national research on ERA best practices? Lastly, we’ll hear from Georgia DCA on plans for improving the deployment of funds.

Bill Bolling
Forum Founder & Moderator

Slides: "Snapshot of the Atlanta Region: Evictions and Emergency Rental Assistance Funds" from Sarah Stein, Research Adviser, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta